Monday, July 6, 2009

Lake Oahe - Mobridge, SD

I spoke with Joe this afternoon, tired from two long days of paddling. Yesterday (Saturday), he experienced good weather, with highs around 85°F, which lasted into today (Sunday). He said the weather is supposed to continue through till tomorrow. With such good weather, he managed 44 miles of open water paddling on Saturday, followed by 27 miles today. He is currently camped at Le Beau boat ramp (I believe that is the correct name, it was a little jumbled in our conversation).

(My camp, as you can see shade is at a premium)

Lake Oahe near Mobridge, SD

The night before, just outside of Mobridge, was a different story. His goal was to make it near the town to see fireworks; however, there were none to be had. Instead, he witnessed an amazing sunset, the best of the trip. He told me he took a photograph, so when he has internet access, he'll be able to upload it. (Below are a series of photos from that sunset)

After the sunset, he realized his camping spot was not the best; the place was tick infested. Despite his best tick checking efforts, he was pulling them off throughout the day. The camp was also the former stalking ground of a large bull snake.

He found a the shed of a 7 ft bull snake, which he says is a welcome sign. He is coming up on rattlesnake country and with bullsnakes eating the local rodents as well as rumored to eat rattlesnakes, it is a fine companion.

Mobridge is also the home to Sitting Bull's current burial spot. As I said in the last post, what are thought to be Sitting Bull's remains were exhumed in 1953 and transported just outside the town of Mobridge at a new burial spot. A short reading on the two town's burial grounds can be found here.

Sitting Bull's burial site outside of Mobridge, SD.

Today, 30 miles south of the boat ramp is his goal. His goal for the entire Lake Oahe is between another 3 to 6 days, all dependent on weather. That would put him in Pierre, SD between Wednesday and Saturday of this week. I will speak with him tonight when he pulls into camp and look forward to updating the Paddling for Parkinson's community then.

Paddle on,


1 comment:

Heather said...

Joe, it was great meeting you this evening on the banks of the Missouri at our scenic Ponca State Park. We were not able to find any of the rangers for you, but they will probably be by during the evening. If not, enjoy a free night of camping! Also, blessings on your trip. We'll make a donation this evening to your important cause.
Warmly, Heather and Craig Oldsen